MYRONATH, a 4 piece Black Metal band from Sweden, formed in 2019, release their second album ‘Djevelkraft’ on June 4th.
It is ‘56 minutes of dark brutality’ that hits you hard at the start and doesn’t let up, until the final song anyway which is a much calmer instrumental, a ‘curtain call song’ you might say. Vocals fit the style of music perfectly. Riffs are melodic yet still brutal. Drumming is furious, courtesy of Fredrik Andersson (ex-Amon Amarth). It feels like a musical version of being lost in the woods in a thunderstorm, not sure if you’ll make it out alive. Good stuff.
Fave tracks – ‘She Who Dwells In Flames’, ‘Effigy Of Malediction’, ‘The Sword Of Satan’, ‘In Regno Tenebris’.
For fans of Dark Funeral, Marduk, Satyricon.
Release date June 4th, 2021.