MORTAL SIN interview – HUGE

I had an awesome and very long chat with Mat Maurer about his time in pioneering Australian thrash band, MORTAL SIN. There’s not much we didn’t chat about..recording the first album, major label signing, the Metallica tour, leaving the band, reformations, Wacken, and of course the upcoming performance at the 6th instalment of Churches Of Steel Festival, January 21st here in Adelaide. Check it out.

Full lineup, – share it around for the gods of metal!
Almost Human (SA) – First show in over 10 years!
Mat Maurer (Playing a full set of Mortal Sin Feat. Hidden Intent – once-off performance!)
Darker Half (NSW)
Diabolic Rites (SA)
Whiskey Harbour (SA) – First show in 5 years!
Odius (QLD)
Emergency Rule (SA)
Firing Squad (VIC)
Skyhammer (SA)
Nakatomi Plaza
Shattered Hourglass (Whyalla, SA)
Broken Loose (SA)
Doors open at 12 pm – All ages (under 16 accompanied by a parent or guardian).