Adelaide’s own EMERGENCY RULE are an interesting band. I struggled to find a way to describe them to someone who hadn’t seen them before. That was until a friend (who reviews gigs and has a brilliant way with words) said to me, ‘They’re a 1970s bar-room brawl’. That kinda fits. They have just released an album, ‘The King Of Ithaca’. Check it out. You will find yourself taken back. If you’re old enough like me, things will flash back to you. You will realise you have missed this sort of sound. All the band’s great original songs that they’ve been playing for a while have been captured in the studio (or wherever it was, you never know these days, lol). The tracks are ‘bottled lightning’ as it were. They sound so good, they come across on the album so well. Go and see them when they come to your town. Buy the album, buy a t-shirt too while you’re at it. Enjoy.